Okapi - Podium Stars 2024

Odace was in charge of the TikTok account for Okapi, a French print magazine aimed at teenagers and trying to attract a new audience via social networks.
In January 2024, just as I was starting work at Odace, I was asked to work on a video in particular: the podium of the stars of 2024. In this video, we conduct a top 3 survey of teenagers to determine who is their favorite star.

Based on Okapi's graphic charter, I decided to go for slightly less flashy tones, and perhaps more pleasing to the eye. I also decided to add some texture to the video, to give it more life, something that was really missing from Okapi's previous, flatter videos.
Finally, I thought it would be interesting to work with vertical and horizontal lines, reminiscent of sheets of paper used for writing, and therefore reminiscent of the "paper" side of magazines.
The video now has over 52,400 views!

Thanks for reading !